Uniform-Ensemble for a Privat First Glass
serving in the Pz Gren Rgt Grossdeutschland

The presented ensemble is a one of a kind estate and for sure the center piece of any «panzer collection». The group consists of the visor and the overseas cap, the wrapper, pants, medals, documents, the dog tag, two additional cuff titles, four Shoulderboards, a absolutely mint panzer-tab with skull and two buttons and a pink pipped collar tab.
The visor, wrapper and the picture of the owner are published in the famous reference book
«Uniforms and Insignia of the Grossdeutschland Division» Volume 2 from Scott Pritchett
The Panzer Feldjacke is the first model and of a very good woll quality. The closure like observed on the later wrappers is not present. The owner has made (or more likely let made from a tailor) an additional button-hole for the band of the EK II. Concerning specials in general, it looks like that the ownder was a vain Soldier and has modified his walking out Tunic with the Grossdeutschland-Cuff-Title in officer quality and has chanced the generic Panzer-Skulls to SS-Skulls. Due to the portrait-photo, this was made period and was also confirmed by the veteran. The Wrapper it self is a mid size and made from Manufacturer G. Assmann with a depot-stamp from Erfurt 1935 (Halle). The collar is pipped in pink. There are two loops for medals and one for a bar (Ostmedaille). The eagle to the right breast is the second type and hand applied. The shoulder boards are the slip-on types and the later War types with the rayon-piping and machine applied GD-insignias. Pants are dated 1943 and are the issued type with no modifications.
The Visor is also modified and shows a SS-eagle instead of the generic Heer-style-eagle. Inside is a burn hole. According to the Soldier, he laid the visor once too long on a floor lamp. Manufacturer is no longer visible because of the removed diamond tac. (Maybe one of you can tell it). All over in very nice, light used condition.

According to the manufactuerer stamp, this is a 1940 dated Robert Lubstein (EREL) overseas cap in size 58. The soutache had been removed from the owner and it is the only (cloth-) part of this fantastic group, that he had with him at the front. He didn't liked it very much due to inconvenient waring in the tank with the headphones, so it is also in a very nice condition. The black woll is the early good quality type. Cockarde is machine sewn, the national eagle by hand. He sewed the two lapels to the cap with black thread and a fixing pin for a better look.

With the group are three cuff titles in total. The officer style cuff title is hand sewn to the tunic. It is well used and at the backside of the cuff roughened. The second one is a very rare and only a short time introduced NCO-cuff title that was mounted on the tunic before the officer one. It is in very nice condition and in style and workmanship nearly identical to the mounted one. Both features the typical sütterlin font, formed with the silver thread in a very fine quality. The third one is the type, used on the parade-dress-uniform and is also tunic removed. According to the veteran, he served a view weeks in Berlin and had an assignment for a big Military-Parade. There he wore this parade-dress-uniform and removed after the present cuff title.

The shoulderboards are the later War type and in nearly mint condition. There is one pair in dark green for Panzerjäger, and two in black for Panzerpersonel, one for a soldier and one for an NCO. He first served in the GD-Panzerjägerbatallion and later he transfered to the Panzertroops (Panzer IV) in the GD-Regiment. Panzer tab is mint, also the collar tab. Both with very fine constructiondetails. The buttons are from his GD-Tunic. Unfortunately this one didn't survived the War.

With the group are several documents in used condition. First his certificate for the Sturmabzeichen. Then the certificate for the Winterschlacht im Osten Medaille. He received also the EK II but this certificate is missing. Also missing (but known that he had it also after the War) is his Soldbuch. With the group are two Schiessbüchlein, some Urlaubsscheine and his medical certificate. A Postcard from the GD-Division where the veteran has told, that he is on it. As a suplement, the GD-Division-Magazine "Die Feuerwehr" is also with the group. (Please note, due to privacy, the name on all documents are deleted on the pictures).