Dr. med. Franz-Wilhelm Lochmann

Born 1923 in Hamburg. After graduation, he went to the Reichsarbeitsdienst, then voluntarily to the Panzertruppe in Neuruppin. From May 1942 until the war ended in 1945 a member of the 1st / s. Panzer Battalion 503.
NCO Dr. med. Lochmann belonged to the unit from the first to the last day, no one from the unitwas as long as he in the Tiger and no one has survived so many days of operation. The rare distinction of having the Tank Assault Badge Level IV for 75 days use lags behind reality, cause since autumn 1944, the detection of operating days was beside the point. Dr. med. Lochmann studied medicine after the war in Hamburg, where he worked as a general practitioner until 1986.
(Source: «Memories of the Tiger Division 503»)
– Memories of the Tiger Division 503
– The Combat History of Heavy Panzer Battalion 503

Dr. med. Franz-Wilhelm Lochmann with members of the Pz Kp 13/3 (CH) during a visit in the Tank Museum Munster in 2006.

The Award-Documents from Dr. Franz-Wilhelm Lochmann for wearing the Panzer Assault Badge in silver which are on display at the Tank Museum Munster. He was one of two members of the sPzAbt 503, that had been awarded the Panzer Assault Badge Level IV. Since there have been big problems to generate Documents at the end of the war, Colonel a D Piepgras made one after the war.
Small Clip of Alfred Rubbel and Dr. med. Franz-Wilhelm Lochmann in the German Tank Museum, Munster. They tell us about life in the Tiger I and what it's like to be under attack – unique film document of the two members of the s.Pz.Abt. 503 (14.11.2009).