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We are proud to be able to offer a limited amount of "The German Panzer Assault badge of World War II – SECOND REVISED EDITION" by Philippe De Bock trough our site. The best book on the market focusing on the panzer assault badges. All known and unknown makers are covered including many period photos, documents and extra information about modern copies and miniatures. The book is updated and contains a bunch of NEW INFORMATION about the subject.
It counts 1100 pages (200 MORE THAN THE FIRST EDITION), all in colour print with almost 2500 high quality illustrations full color pictures. There is NO better book out there that gives away so much knowledge regarding to this theme.
The books are NEW and remain in perfect condition. Hand signed by the author if you like. Please contact to order.
This is the first volume in a series on the history of Panzerregiment 1, Germany’s initial armored formation. It describes its emergence from the Reichswehr Kraftfahrtruppe before 1935 and its development during the years of rearmament before the outbreak of World War II. The central part of the book describes the regiment’s deployment as part of the 1. Panzerdivision during the Polish Campaign in September 1939. Deployed as a critical component in the focal point of the 10. Armee, the division made a decisive breakthrough towards the Vistula, which contributed significantly to the quick and decisive end to the campaign. The battles at Rozprza, Piotrkow, and in the great Vistula bend are described and analyzed in detail from both a German and a Polish point of view. Staffing overviews for all years, 207 leaders’ biographies and the dog tag lists of the entire regiment at the beginning of the war are documented in this comprehensive work.
In addition to extensive literature, newspapers, and the official war diaries and memorabilia of the participants, the previously unpublished casualty reports from the former Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) were evaluated and give an impression of the severity of the battles.
The book is NEW and remain in perfect condition.
Here you can order the book.
«The posthumous fame is the true
immortality of the soul.»​
Napoleon I. Bonaparte (1769–1821)

These pages are dedicated to the men of the German Panzertruppe who fought honorably and bravely, gave their lives in numerous battles and operations in World War II; from Finland to North Africa and from Spain to the extreme corner of the former Soviet Union. Their sacrifices, privations and selfless devotion to their comrades are a shining example; their deaths a lasting Memorial!

If you are interested in acquiring high quality military related to the German Panzertruppe, we can provide you with professional assistance. You can go here directly to the For Sale section.
Our main objective is offering rare and high class artifacts and coping with the demands and wishes of our customers.
We are always looking for new, high class artifacts and pay good prices. Consignment is possible, please contact.

In the Panzer Feldjacken columns you will find items for reference. Also here for Headgear. They are not for sale. We hope that we can develop this section as fast as possible to get a great overview and for that we need your help. Please get in touch with us for sending good pictures. It doesn't matter if you provide only a single Panzer Assault Badge or a whole estate – the main goal is to get 100% original artifacts.

With the Panzer Aces page we like to give you a little insight in the life of some famous Veterans. I have shared a close friendship with Alfred Rubbel.

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